Wednesday, October 14, 2009

IMAZ Days 50- 52: Tired

IMAZ Day 50 epilogue...ended up running outside, likely too fast, for 30 minutes outside for a grand total of 2 hours of training. Felt very good though.

IMAZ Day 51: Yes, I ran too fast on Day 50. The morning's hour run was at a nice, easy pace and was still a little of a struggle, at least for the first 30 minutes. Loosened up a bit after that but felt that I had actually run hard the day before. After traveling home later, I stupidly -- fraught with guilt about "only" an hour -- swam for 32 minutes that night. Actually felt pretty good if a little rough since I hadn't swum in the last 4 days.

IMAZ Day 52: ...and the more swimming, the merrier, I guess. But today was a REAL swim workout, though I didn't have a firm plan going in. I started with thinking of 4x1000, but that sounded too horrific to think about. OK, how about a long set of 250s? I started thinking about 10x250 with 20 seconds rest, but that's only 2500 measely yards. Got through 10 of them and figured, "why not 12?", which became 14 of them. Added on 5x100 and a 200 warm down and ended up with 4200 yards. Not bad...and the pace on the 250s was OK (3:37-8 average for 12, a drop slower the last 2, 1:28-9 on the 100s).

Later today, 1-2 hours on the bike before the monsoons come.

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