Busy days have delayed entries, but no more! Here's a summary of what's happened in the last 4 days, starting with an outstanding workout to close out day 45.
On the evening of day 45, I biked to a track - hard - to meet a partner for a workout which was intended to be way to fast for me -- 5x1200 with the 400s in the mid-80s and an easy lap rest. I hadn't done anything that fast in some time, and with most of my track work done between 6 and 7 min./mile, I thought it a bit foolhardy to attempt something that hard. Of course, that all went by the wayside once on the track and warmed up. 13 minutes of jogging, then go! The 1200s actually felt pretty comfortable as I hit 4:21/4:22 on each of them until the 5th. On the last one, I let it rip, hitting 82 and 82 through 800 and then a 79 last 400 for a 4:03 1200! Warm down and ride home that felt great. Totally surprised myself on those.
On day 46, I woke up without my brain. I arrived at the pool for my swim and just before getting into the water realized that I'd forgotten my watch. Combined with the absence of a pace clock, that meant that I would do an hour of drills. Fun. Accomplished that and then later that night, due to timing issues, ran 31 minutes at 9pm. Felt good and well recovered from the prior day.
Day 47 - massive brick. My intent was to ride 4-4:30 and then run 45 minutes or so. The ride felt very good, and I ultimately rode 81 miles on the day (75 or so prior to the run). The run was outstanding...40 minutes at 7 or sub-7 minute pace feeling strong. Back on the bike for a ride to coffee and then home for a total of 5:27 on the day.
Day 48 - not much..."only" a 50-minute run early in the morning due to time constraints, but even that run was excellent and my pace was sub-7 the whole way.
Day 49 - Back on track...I'm traveling, so I'm stuck on an exercycle, but finally, a hotel with a really good bike! iPod attachment built into the bike AND foot straps on the pedals. 80 minutes on the bike at >20mph (22mph for the first hour and 21 for most of the next 20 min.) followed by a 10-minute transition run on the (ick) treadmill that felt strong. Later today, more bike and more run, hopefully outside.
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