Friday, October 16, 2009

IMAZ Day 52 Epilogue and 53/54: Nor'easter!

Day 52 closeout: so after the huge swim, a pretty good bike late in the day (after massage, which really isn't optimum given the intensity of the massage. Sorry!). Went roughly 37 miles in 2 hours in chilly conditions and on what seemed to be the Paris-Roubaix course transpanted to White Plains. EVERYthing was bumpy, which meant riding in the right land and drawing the ire of all those that REALLY felt they HAD to pass me at 50mph and not wait, say, 5 seconds for me to move over when I could. Love that. Anyway, it was a good ride and took me over 3 hrs for the day.

Day 53: the expected rain hadn't arrived yet, so I took advantage and biked outside early. 75 minutes on the bike just a bit tired from yesterday's ride and also viewing a Cateye with dying battery (actually, dead battery by about 13 miles). Right after that, a really nice 30 minute run with a 2-mile track run in 13:25 that felt VERY easy. In the afternoon, I did a spin inside while it rained and set new sweat records. Joy. 3 minutes under 3 hours for the day.

Day 54: the rain finally arrived overnight with some sleet and more chill. Was really not into the swim this AM but went 45 minutes anyway, and glad I did. Had a good opening 1000 in 14:48 followed by drills, 5x100, drills, 3x200, and warm down. I then ran 45 minutes that were nothing to write home about until about the 25 minute mark, at which time I got a huge 2nd wind and felt great. Picked up the pace a bit. Later today - maybe 75 minutes or so on the bike outside (if little rain) or inside (if more rain).

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