Saturday, October 17, 2009

IMAZ: Closing out Day 54 and celebrating Day 55

Day 54 closeout: only 50 minutes on bike. Sue me...I was busy. 2:20 on the day. But tomorrow (er, today) is the big one, so what the hell.

Day 55: CENTURY #2 IN THE BOOKS!!! This one was even better than the last one for a few reasons: first, I rode all of it except 20 middle miles (thanks, Matt!) alone; second, it was windy and cold the entire way, the wind accounting for at least 1mph of speed in the first 35-40 miles; third, I was able to put the hammer down from mile 55 or so and rode negative, 2:48 for the first 50 and 2:36 for the 2nd (18.4 average overall); fourth, I felt GREAT throughout and even at the end and also felt I had a lot more. For proof, I threw on my racers after the ride and did a 5 minute transition run, which doesn't prove a hell of a lot, but I felt GREAT.

Long run tomorrow unless we get the perfect storm.

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