Tuesday, November 17, 2009

IMAZ Days 85 and 86: Tapering the taper

Day 85: A swim day, that's all. After the sluggish feeling, I thought giving the bike/run legs a rest would be a good idea and so I just swam, 45 minutes, and felt quite good. I swam in a 50M pool the following: 2x(200 and 8x100) with 30 seconds after the 200s and 15 seconds after each 100. This was designed more for rhythm than anything else, and all the times were similar (1:35-1:36 avg. for the 100s).

Day 86: 40 minutes.

That was it for today. 30 minutes on an exercycle and 10 on a treadmill. Good news was, it all felt pretty good. Bad news is that I now have this anxiety about eating since I'm not working out 3 hours or more per day. I'm trying to not OVEReat, though I'm pretty sure it's not an issue. Eating RIGHT? That's something else all together.

From here on in, the focus is on feeling good, fresh and getting the game face on. I'm beginning to spend more time visualizing the race and its elements, telling myself that 21mph will be easy and that 7+ minute pace will also be easy...and that the swim will be relaxing and not as cold as the 63 degree water temp might suggest.

But I believe I'm ready, and that's all there is to it.

Less than 5 days to go.

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